Professional symposiums and conferences

From time to time, Cancer Council Queensland will list symposiums and conferences run by other organisations, that are related to cancer, on this page. These symposiums and conferences are not managed by Cancer Council Queensland and therefore Cancer Council Queensland may not endorse all of the content provided at these sessions.

All details for the events listed should be found on the organisations own websites, and any questions referred to them.

Exciting Announcement: Oceania Tobacco Control Conference (OTCC) 2024!

Join us at the Oceania Tobacco Control Conference (OTCC) 2024, where leading experts in tobacco control will come together to share insights and strategies. This conference is a unique opportunity for researchers, advocates, policymakers, and program administrators from Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island nations to connect, learn, and collaborate.

Reignite the Fight 2024: The Oceania Tobacoo Control Conference is hosted jointly by the Cancer Councils of New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia.

Get Involved!
Register now to reserve your place at this important event, where you can contribute to advancing tobacco control efforts in the Oceania region.

Save the Date: 23-25 October 2024
Location: Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre

For More Information:
Visit the Oceania Tobacco Control Conference 2024 for details on registration, key dates, and more.

Scholarship Opportunities Available for the Oceania Tobacco Control Conference 2024

Exciting news! Scholarships are now available for professionals, researchers, and students interested in attending the Oceania Tobacco Control Conference 2024. Thanks to the generous support of our partners, Cancer Council NSW, Cancer Council WA, and Cancer Council QLD, a limited number of assistance packages are being offered. 

How to Apply: All applications must be submitted through the online portal provided here or returned via email to 

Applications close midnight 7 June 2024 (AEST) 

What’s Available: Four levels of assistance packages are available: 

  • Level 1: Conference registration costs 
  • Level 2: Conference registration costs and hotel accommodation costs for 3 nights 
  • Level 3: Conference registration costs, hotel accommodation costs for 3 nights, and return economy airfares 
  • Level 4: Conference registration costs, hotel accommodation costs for 3 nights, return economy airfares, and further financial support (limited availability) 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Open to professionals, researchers, and students in public health or related fields. 
  • Applicants must reside in the Oceania region. 
  • Preference will be given to those presenting abstracts, working in resource-poor settings, with Indigenous populations, in the Pacific Islands, with high-needs populations, or in the not-for-profit sector. 
  • Applicants must have no affiliation with the tobacco industry. 
  • Applicants must adhere to all terms and conditions of the Oceania Tobacco Control conference. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at