General Practitioner Referrals

General Practitioner GP

General Practitioner Referrals 

Our Cancer Counselling Service is your trusted partner is assisting your patients, carers and their family through a cancer diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

As Queensland’s leading cancer specific psychology service, we offer;

  • a psychology service where staff have extensive experience in psycho-oncology
  • psychologists registered with Medicare to bulk-bill under Medicare pathways, e.g. Better Access.
  • no out of pocket expenses to clients
  • services to anyone over 18 who is distressed by cancer including patients, family, friends, and those bereaved by cancer
  • easy access to our service
  • minimal waiting, with appointments generally within 2-3 weeks
  • a confidential service with end of therapy reports provided

Counselling is provided by Telephone and Video conferencing, with face-to-face appointments available in some locations.


General Practitioners can refer directly to the Cancer Counselling Service by completing the General Practitioner Referral form and submitting it electronically through Medical Objects or faxing it to 07 3009 0305. Or fill in the online order form below.

GP Referral Form